Artist interview #11 - Lucy Driscoll

Artist interview #11 - Lucy Driscoll

Lucy Driscoll is an illustrator and collage artist, graduating from U.W.E. Bristol in 2009. She creates collages using old annuals and encyclopaedias, heavily influenced by an artist's residency she undertook in rural Finland last December.  

Can you describe how you make images?

I start by rummaging through car boot sales and flea markets looking for old magazines and encyclopaedias, and I then compile ideas in my sketchbooks with the images I've found.  

Once I've got a composition I'm happy with on a page, I scan it in and begin enhancing it digitally. The amount of work I do in Photoshop varies from image to image, but I usually overlay flat simple shapes.

Where do you take inspiration from, beyond the work of other artists and illustrators?

I am always inspired by the simple, everyday design of vintage textbooks and notebooks I see at markets, I also love the colour palettes of 1950s crockery and homeware.

There are lots of great websites with online collections of book covers from around the world. At the moment I'm loving Russian book covers from the 1950s and 1960s.

Apart from illustration what do you do?

I have most recently been working as a prop sourcer for Secret Cinema on several of their recent projects. I put my rummaging skills to use, scouring charity shops and car boot sales looking for small props to dress the sets of the brilliant live cinema events they put on. It's a great thing to be involved with and I love helping with the final set dressing before the public come in.

Can you describe your working environment?

I work from my flat, it's full of things I've collected over the years and serves as daily inspiration. I drink endless cups of tea and listen to hours of Radio 4.

I have a pile of old suitcases full of scrap papers that I sift though while I'm working.  If I have ideas when I'm out and about I tend to jot them down in a notebook, I don't really like working in public. 

Take a look at Lucy's profile and art for sale on, follow her on Twitter, or visit her website.


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Price: £25.00
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Price: £25.00
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Price: £25.00
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Price: £20.00
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Price: £25.00