Rose grew up in France and returned to England to study illustration at University College Falmouth and in 2009 she was awarded a grant from The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust to further her studies. She currently lives in Cornwall by the sea, exploring new directions in printmaking and the presentation of illustration in unusual contexts. Her clients include: Port Eliot Festival, A-Side Studio, QEST, Waitrose, Origin Coffee, Country Living, The Independent on Sunday, The National Maritime Museum, The Guardian, Garden illustrated and the Woman's Weekly Magazine.
Can you describe how you make images? I use a printing process called collagraphy to create my images. I have worked long hours bending this technique to my will and making it my own. I can often be found knee deep in scraps of mount board, shavings of pva glue and discarded scalpel blades. Collagraphy is a time consuming and imprecise art and the imperfections can disappoint or delight. The real joy comes from creating a truly unique, strong and graphic image. Narrative is an important feature in my work too. My illustrations are often informed by literature, so audiobooks are the soundtrack to my day in the studio. I'm currently listening to a lot of American literature; Hemingway, Steinbeck and on a more contemporary note Cormac Mccarthy. Do you keep your style consistent or is it something that is always developing? It is natural for an artist to develop, improve and change. I have found a process with plenty of scope to explore; printmaking, and I have only just begun. I am very excited about where my work is going. It has changed a lot over the last few years, I feel for the best! Is where you live an influence on your work? I live in Falmouth, Cornwall, a small art school town surround by water. The ocean is a huge inspiration to me. It serves as a reminder that I am immensely small in this great universe! I think we are all rapidly disconnecting with nature. We understand it less and less. Walking the coastline in rain more than shine, swimming and staring into the vast immensity which is the sea completes my work. I have lived in London and loved it though felt like a fish out of water. My hand made aesthetic just doesn't come naturally when surrounded by crowds and concrete. Where do you think illustration is heading? I think there are wonderful things happening in illustration at the moment, the only aspect I am concerned about is the pace of the lives we live, the speed in which information crosses the world and the effects this has on our craft. Technology allows me to live and practice illustration from my remote coastal outpost whilst working for some exciting international clients, the flip side of this is that a digital culture doesn't always show illustration in it's best light. I would like to see clients embracing and understanding the artist's process more. Take a look at Rose's artwork for sale on or visit her website.