Adding new artwork

Here's a brief rundown of what you need to do to add an artwork


This is the title of your artwork.

Brief description

This is a one sentence description of your piece - for example: 'Pen and ink on watercolour paper', or 'Limited edition screenprint'.


Put as much information here as you can about your artwork, to help users gain more understanding about its context. For example if the artwork is a commission, state who it was commissioned by, an overview of the brief, where and when it appeared etc.

Artwork images

These are the images which show off your work – the higher quality the images the better. Upload an uncropped version of your artwork first, then as many cropped versions as you wish to highlight particular details or features. These will be displayed in a slideshow.


Choose the tags that best describe your artwork. You can select more than one category by holding the shift key. If you need a tag that is not present, email us at stating what you need and we'll add it to the list.

Product information

  • SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) – The store uses  this code to keep track of your artwork. It can be anything you wish, but it must be different for each artwork.
  • List price – leave as default, this will be automatically filled in
  • Cost – leave as default, this will be automatically filled in
  • Sell price – Enter how much you wish to sell the artwork for
  • Weight – optional
  • Dimensions – Enter the width and height of your artwork
  • Package quantity – leave as default
  • Default quantity to add to cart – leave as default
  • List position – leave as default

Shipping settings

  • Default product shipping type – Leave at 'Store default'
  • United Kingdom – Enter your postage and packing costs to send to the UK
  • International – Enter your postage and packing costs to send internationally
  • Europe – Enter your postage and packing costs to send to Europe

Stock tracking

If you want the system to keep track of how many copies of each artwork you have for sale, you can use the stock tracking system. When the stock level reaches zero, the buy now button is replaced with a red dot. After you have entered your artwork detials, click 'Save and continue'. After the page has reloaded, you'll see a new 'Stock' tab at the top of the page.

Click this tab and fill in the details. In the stock field, enter the quantity that you have. If you're adding an original artwork, for example, the quanitity will be 1. Then, enter the threshold. When the stock quanitity drops below this number, the system will email you to say the stock is low. Lastly, click the Active box to enable stock tracking. Click Save changes.